GAMS Translation of OSeMOSYS
Anyone who has been using OSeMOSYS (in its GNU Mathprog version) and wishes to use the GAMS version can use the code presented in the working paper below, with an appropriate data/model file. This working paper focuses on translating the open source OSeMOSYS code into the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS). This enables users of OSeMOSYS to be able to use potentially more powerful commercial solvers for solving large scale energy system models. There is also a small result extraction code at the end of the working paper which will enable the user to write a comma separated (CSV) file with all the output variables necessary for analysing the optimization results.
The GAMS translation of OSeMOSYS was done by Ken Noble (Noble-Soft Systems Pty Ltd). Another full translation from GAMS was done by Antti Lehtilä of VTT Finland.
The GAMS translation of OSeMOSYS was done by Ken Noble (Noble-Soft Systems Pty Ltd). Another full translation from GAMS was done by Antti Lehtilä of VTT Finland.