To illustrate some basic features of energy systems modelling using OSeMOSYS and its interface MoManI, we present an exercise that uses data for a fictitious country that shares features of both a developing and a developed country. We call this country Atlantis.
The main features of Atlantis’ energy system are described here. Atlantis relies on 5 power plant types to meet its electricity demand, each plant running on a single type of fuel. The first power plant is a large hydro power plant. The second and third plants are Single Cycle Steam Turbine, one running on natural gas while the runs on Heavy Fuel Oil. The fourth power plant is a Gas Turbine fed by diesel. The last is an Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle facility fed by coal. In addition to these, in a large number of rural areas electricity generation comes from distributed diesel generators. Atlantis imports 100 per cent of its fuels.
The Atlantis model will explore the feasibility of generating electricity from:
- Wind Turbine (25 per cent load factor).
- Mini Hydro power plants (less than 1 MW).
- Concentrated Solar Power (CSP).
- Grid connected PV system. (Commercial).
- Rooftop PV system (in residential areas).
- Nuclear power plant (light water reactor).
- A New Combined Cycle power plant running on Natural Gas.
The interactive visualization presents results for four scenarios: a reference - so-called business as usual (BAU); one where the country achieves universal access to electricity by 2030; another setting a 50 per cent target of electricity generation from renewables; and a climate change scenario.
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