They range from contributions to the IPCC, to UN and WBG discussion papers, to official national planning, to academic studies. And, they cover the globe.
Search here for 100's of scholarly, general, data-set applications and papers...
Recent applications can typically be found by searching
(As a community we attempt to make those data sets 'interoperable' in keeping with the 'I' U4RIA goals. This allows for easy use by other tools. We also encourage 'peer review' in publications. This helps to improve some level of 'A' or 'Auditability' of the U4RIA goals.)
For a near past peer-reviewed 'round up' of some high profile applications please se:
(In the drop-down menu are some legacy applications that may continue to be of use).
These will be reviewed and revised at the forthcoming 2021 SteerCom.
Given the recent explosion of OSeMOSYS papers a decision on logging papers here, or simply using Google Scholar to provide a live list of publications will be made at the forthcoming SteerCom.
A non-exhaustive list of some recent publications some with hyperlinks can be found below:
S. Motalebi, T. Barnes, S. Kaspar, A.S. Wright, T. Niet. Hydrogen to Provide Flexibility in the Canadian Energy System, Energy Modelling Initiative Final Report, March 2021.
T. Niet, A. Shivakumar, F. Gardumi, W. Usher, E. Williams, M. Howells. Developing a Community of Practice around an Open Source Energy Modelling Tool, Energy Strategy Reviews, May 2021.
D. Timmons, K. Elahee, M. Lin, Microeconomics of electrical energy storage in a fully renewable electricity system, Solar Energy, August 2020.
C. Taliotis, E. Giannakis, M. Karmellos, N. Fylaktos, T. Zachariadis, Estimating the economy-wide impacts of energy policies in Cyprus, Energy Strategy Reviews, May 2020.
M.V. Rocco, F. Tonini, E.M. Fumagalli, E. Colombo, Electrification pathways for Tanzania: Implications for the economy and the environment, Journal of Cleaner Production, August 2020.
G. Gilson Dranka, P. Ferreira, A. Ismael F. Vaz, Cost- effectiveness of energy efficiency investments for high renewable electricity systems, Energy, May 2020.
O. Saadeh, Z. Dalala, T. Niet, E. Pereira Ramos, M. Howells, Technoeconomic data adopted for the development of a long-term electricity supply model for the Hashmite Kingdom of Jordan, Data in Brief, June 2020.
J. Tomei, J. Cronin, H. D. Agudelo Arias, S. Cordoba Machado, M.F. Mena Palacios, Y.M. Toro Ortiz, Y.E. Borja Cuesta, R. Palomino Lemus, W. Murillo Lopez, G. Anandarajah, Forgotten spaces: How reliability, affordability and engagement shape the outcomes of last-mile electrification in Chocó, Colombia, Energy Research & Social Science, January 2020.
J. English, T. Niet, B. Lyseng, V. Keller, K. Palmer-Wilson, B. Robertson, P. Wilde, A. Rowe, Flexibility requirements and electricity system planning: Assessing inter-regional coordination with large penetrations of variable renewable supplies, Renewable Energy, January 2020.
A. Palombelli, F. Gardumi, M. Rocco, M. Howells, E. Colombo, Development of functionalities for improved storage modelling in OSeMOSYS, Energy, January 2020.
G. Jayadev, B.D. Leibowicz, E. Kutanoglu, U.S. electricity infrastructure of the future: Generation and transmission pathways through 2050, Applied Energy, February 2020.
A. Dhakouani, E. Znouda, C. Bouden, Impacts of energy efficiency policies on the integration of renewable energy, Energy Policy, October 2019.
T. Niet, Storage and effects: An evaluation of common storage modelling assumptions, Journal of Energy Storage, February 2010.
T. Burandt, B. Xiong, K. Löffler, P. Oei, Decarbonizing China's energy system - Modeling the transformation of the electricity, transportation, heat and industrial sectors, Applied Energy, December 2019.
Y. Chung, C. Paik, Y. Kim, Open source-based modelling of power plants retrofit and its application to the Korean electricity sector, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, February 2019.
K. Palmer-Wilson, J. Donald, B. Robertson, B. Lyseng, V. Keller, M. Fowler, C. Wade, S. Scholtysik, P. Wild, A. Rowe, Impact of land requirements on electricity system decarbonisation pathways, Energy Policy, June 2019.
F. Riva, F. Gardumi, A. Tognollo, E. Colombo, Soft-linking energy demand and optimization models for local long-term electricity planning: An application to rural India, Energy, January 2019.
T. Niet, B. Lyseng, J. English, V. Keller, K. Palmer-Wilson, B. Robertson, P. Wild, A. Rowe, Valuing infrastructure investments to reduce curtailment, Energy Strategy Reviews, November 2018.
J. Anjo, D. Neves, C. Silva, A. Shivakumar, M. Howells, Modelling the long-term impact of demand response in energy planning: The Portuguese electric system case study, Energy, December 2018.
Y.Y. Rady, M.V. Rocco, M.A. Serag-Eldin, E. Colombo, Modelling for power generation sector in developing countries: Case of Egypt, Energy, December 2018.
B.D. Leibowicz, C.M. Lanham, M.T. Brozynski, J.R. Vazquez-Canteli, N. Castillo Castejon, Z. Nagy, Optimal decarbonization pathways for urban residential building energy services, Applied Energy, November 2018.
M.T. Brozynsky, B.D. Leibowicz, Decarbonizing power and transportation at the urban scale: An analysis of the Austin, Texas Community Climate Plan, Sustainable Cities and Society, November 2018.
F. Gardumi, A. Shivakumar, R. Morrison, C. Taliotis, O.Broad, A. Beltramo, V. Sridharan, M. Howells, J. Hörsch, T. Niet, Y. Almulla, E. Ramos, T. Burandt, G. Pena Balderrama, G. De Moura, E. Zepeda, T. Alfstad, From the development of an open-source energy modelling tool to its application and the creation of communities of practice: The example of OSeMOSYS, Energy Strategy Reviews, April 2018.
V. Keller, B. Lyseng, J. English, T. Niet, K. Palmer-Wilson, I. Moazzen, B. Robertson, P. Wild, A. Rowe, Coal-to-biomass retrofit in Alberta - value of forest residue bioenergy in the electricity system, Renewable Energy, September 2018.
M. Groissböck, M.J. Pickl, Fuel-price reform to achieve climate and energy policy goals in Saudi Arabia: A multiple-scenario analysis, Utilities Policy, February 2018.
G. De Moura et al., A Brazilian perspective of power system integration using OSeMOSYS SAMBA - South America Model Base - and the bargaining power of neighbouring countries: A cooperative games approach, Energy Policy, April 2018.
B. D. Leibowicz, The cost of policy uncertainty in electric sector capacity planning: Implications for instrument choice, The Electricity Journal, January-February 2018.
A. Dhakouani, F. Gardumi, E. Znouda, C. Bouden, M. Howells, Long-term optimisation model of the Tunisian power system, Energy, December 2017.
D. Grosso, R. Gerboni, D. Cotugno, Modelling Urban Transport Sector: A Methodology Based on OSeMOSYS Model Generator, IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, July 2017.
M. Howells et. al, Energy Access and Electricity Planning, State of Electricity Access Report (SEAR) Special Feature, 2017.
K. Löffler et. al, Designing a Global Energy System based on 100% Renewables for 2050: GENeSYS-MOD: An application of the Open-Source Energy Modelling System (OSeMOSYS), Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), 2017.
N. Moksnes et. al, Electrification pathways for Kenya - linking spatial electrification analysis and medium to long term energy planning, Environmental Research Letters, July 2017.
F. Fattori, N. Anglani, An instrumental contribution to include the impact of PV on capacity adequacy in long-term energy models, Environment and Electrical Engineering (IEEE), July 2017.
C. Sundin, Exploring the water-energy nexus in the Omo river basin: A first step toward the development of an integrated hydrological-OSeMOSYS energy model, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, July 2017.
E. Johnson and J. Axelsson, A nexus assessment of energy and water in Rwanda, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, July 2017.
H. Henke, The Open Source Energy Model Base for the European Union (OSEMBE), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, June 2017.
A. Ahmed and J. Gong, Assessment of the electricity generation mix in Ghana: the potential of renewable energy, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, July 2017.
G. De Moura et al., South America power integration, Bolivian electricity export potential and bargaining power: An OSeMOSYS SAMBA approach, Energy Strategy Reviews, September 2017.
D. Lavigne, OSeMOSYS: Introducing elasticity, Universal Journal of Management, 2017.
C. Taliotis et al., Natural gas in Cyprus: the need for consolidated planning, Energy Policy, August 2017.
T. Niet et al., Hedging the risk of increased emissions in long term energy planning, Energy Strategy Reviews, June 2017.
A.K. Awopone, A.F. Zobaa, Analyses of optimum generation scenarios for sustainable power generation in Ghana, Brunel University, 2017.
D. Lavigne, OSeMOSYS energy modeling using an extended UTOPIA model, Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2017.
I. Pappis, Electrified Africa - Associated investments and costs, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2016.
A. Beltramo, Active consumers at the centre of the energy system: towards modelling consumers behaviour in OSeMOSYS, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2016.
D. Lavigne, Initiatives for teaching energy modeling to graduate students, Universal Journal of Management, 2016.
A. Tognollo, Energy demand analysis within long-term rural energy planning: a critical review and simulation for a more appropriate modelling approach, Politecnico di Milano, September 2016.
C. Maggi, Accounting for the long term impact of high renewable shares through energy system models: a novel formulation and case study, Politecnico di Milano, September 2016.
E. Fragnière et al., Coupling techno-economic energy models with behavioral approaches, Operational Research, May 2016.
B. Lyseng et al., Decarbonising the Alberta power system with carbon pricing, Energy Strategy Reviews, May 2016.
N.V. NNaemeka, Methodology, Data, and Scenario Development, Frontiers in African, Business Research, May 2016.
F. Fattori, D. Albini, N. Anglani, Proposing an open-source model for unconventional participation to energy planning, Energy Research and Social Science, May 2016.
C. Taliotis et al., An indicative analysis of investment opportunities in the African electricity supply sector — Using TEMBA (The Electricity Model Base for Africa), Energy for Sustainable Development, April 2016.
M. Groissböck, M.J. Pickl, An analysis of the power market in Saudi Arabia: Retrospective cost and environmental optimization, Applied Energy, March 2016.
N. Moksnes, UN Sustainable development goals from a Climate Land Energy and Water perspective for Kenya, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2016.
F. Gardumi, A multi-dimensional approach to the modelling of power plant flexibility, Politecnico di Milano, February 2016.
H. Eshraghi, M.S. Ahadi, An initiative towards an energy and environment scheme for Iran: Introducing RAISE (Richest Alternatives for Implementation to Supply Energy) model, Energy Policy, February 2016.
F. Fattori, Approaches to Some of the Emerging Challenges and Opportunities of Energy SYstem Models - Postscript version, Universitá di Pavia, March 2016.
I. Smeureanu et al., Modeling Residential Space Heating Energy for Romania, International Journal of Environmental, Chemical, Ecological, Geological and Geophysical Engineering, 2015.
Enhancing the Climate Resilience of Africa’s Infrastructure (World Bank report).
C. Flood, Hydropower in Sweden: An investigation of the implications of adding detail to the modelling of hydropower in OSeMOSYS, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2015.
A. Nilsson, I. Johansson, Laying foundation for energy policy making in Uganda by indicating the energy flow, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2015.
M. Welsch et al., Supporting security and adequacy in future energy systems: The need to enhance long-term energy system models to better treat issues related to variability, International Journal of Energy Research, August 2014.
M. Welsch et al., Incorporating flexibility requirements into long-term energy system models – A case study on high levels of renewable electricity penetration in Ireland, Applied Energy, December 2014.
M. Welsch, D. Mentis, M. Howells, Long-Term Energy Systems Planning: Accounting for Short-Term Variability and Flexibility, Chapter 17, Renewable Energy Integration, 2014.
F. Fattori, Including smart charging and vehicle-to-grid strategies in long term energy models, ENERGYCON 2014, IEEE International, July 2014.
A. Hagberg, S. Davidsson, Estimating Investment Needs for the Power Sector in the African Region, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2014.
S.L. Gerard, Strategies for the South European energy sector for the next 40 years, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2014.
R. Fionn et al., LEAPs and Bounds-an Energy Demand and Constraint Optimised Model of the Irish Energy System, Energy Efficiency, June 2014.
R.A. Al Hasibi et al., Optimizing Geothermal Energy and Hydro Power in Capacity Expansion at the Electrical System of Java-Madura-Bali, International Journal of Engineering & Computer Science, February 2013.
M. Weirich, Global resource modelling of the Climate, Land, Energy and Water (CLEWs) nexus using the Open Source energy Modelling System (OSeMOSYS), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2013.
N. Saadi Failali, An open source approach to Sweden's energy system: A review of future energy pathways, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2013.
M. Welsch, Enhancing the treatment of systems integration in long-term energy models, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2013.
M. Welsch et al., Modelling elements of Smart Grids – Enhancing the OSeMOSYS (Open Source Energy Modelling System) code, Energy, October 2012.
M. Bazilian et al., Open source software and crowdsourcing for energy analysis, Energy Policy, October 2012.
“SAMBA” The open source South American Model Base: a Brazilian perspective on long term power systems investment and integration.
M. Howells et al., OSeMOSYS: The Open Source Energy Modeling System: An introduction to its ethos, structure and development, Energy Policy, October 2011.
M. Welsch et al., Modelling Elements of Smart Grids for sub-Saharan African Countries, International Energy Workshop, July 2011.
They range from contributions to the IPCC, to UN and WBG discussion papers, to official national planning, to academic studies. And, they cover the globe.
Search here for 100's of scholarly, general, data-set applications and papers...
Recent applications can typically be found by searching
(As a community we attempt to make those data sets 'interoperable' in keeping with the 'I' U4RIA goals. This allows for easy use by other tools. We also encourage 'peer review' in publications. This helps to improve some level of 'A' or 'Auditability' of the U4RIA goals.)
For a near past peer-reviewed 'round up' of some high profile applications please se:
- T. Niet, A. Shivakumar, F. Gardumi, W. Usher, E. Williams, M. Howells, Developing a community of practice around an open source energy modelling tool, Energy Strategy Reviews, Volume 35, 2021,
(In the drop-down menu are some legacy applications that may continue to be of use).
These will be reviewed and revised at the forthcoming 2021 SteerCom.
Given the recent explosion of OSeMOSYS papers a decision on logging papers here, or simply using Google Scholar to provide a live list of publications will be made at the forthcoming SteerCom.
A non-exhaustive list of some recent publications some with hyperlinks can be found below:
S. Motalebi, T. Barnes, S. Kaspar, A.S. Wright, T. Niet. Hydrogen to Provide Flexibility in the Canadian Energy System, Energy Modelling Initiative Final Report, March 2021.
T. Niet, A. Shivakumar, F. Gardumi, W. Usher, E. Williams, M. Howells. Developing a Community of Practice around an Open Source Energy Modelling Tool, Energy Strategy Reviews, May 2021.
D. Timmons, K. Elahee, M. Lin, Microeconomics of electrical energy storage in a fully renewable electricity system, Solar Energy, August 2020.
C. Taliotis, E. Giannakis, M. Karmellos, N. Fylaktos, T. Zachariadis, Estimating the economy-wide impacts of energy policies in Cyprus, Energy Strategy Reviews, May 2020.
M.V. Rocco, F. Tonini, E.M. Fumagalli, E. Colombo, Electrification pathways for Tanzania: Implications for the economy and the environment, Journal of Cleaner Production, August 2020.
G. Gilson Dranka, P. Ferreira, A. Ismael F. Vaz, Cost- effectiveness of energy efficiency investments for high renewable electricity systems, Energy, May 2020.
O. Saadeh, Z. Dalala, T. Niet, E. Pereira Ramos, M. Howells, Technoeconomic data adopted for the development of a long-term electricity supply model for the Hashmite Kingdom of Jordan, Data in Brief, June 2020.
J. Tomei, J. Cronin, H. D. Agudelo Arias, S. Cordoba Machado, M.F. Mena Palacios, Y.M. Toro Ortiz, Y.E. Borja Cuesta, R. Palomino Lemus, W. Murillo Lopez, G. Anandarajah, Forgotten spaces: How reliability, affordability and engagement shape the outcomes of last-mile electrification in Chocó, Colombia, Energy Research & Social Science, January 2020.
J. English, T. Niet, B. Lyseng, V. Keller, K. Palmer-Wilson, B. Robertson, P. Wilde, A. Rowe, Flexibility requirements and electricity system planning: Assessing inter-regional coordination with large penetrations of variable renewable supplies, Renewable Energy, January 2020.
A. Palombelli, F. Gardumi, M. Rocco, M. Howells, E. Colombo, Development of functionalities for improved storage modelling in OSeMOSYS, Energy, January 2020.
G. Jayadev, B.D. Leibowicz, E. Kutanoglu, U.S. electricity infrastructure of the future: Generation and transmission pathways through 2050, Applied Energy, February 2020.
A. Dhakouani, E. Znouda, C. Bouden, Impacts of energy efficiency policies on the integration of renewable energy, Energy Policy, October 2019.
T. Niet, Storage and effects: An evaluation of common storage modelling assumptions, Journal of Energy Storage, February 2010.
T. Burandt, B. Xiong, K. Löffler, P. Oei, Decarbonizing China's energy system - Modeling the transformation of the electricity, transportation, heat and industrial sectors, Applied Energy, December 2019.
Y. Chung, C. Paik, Y. Kim, Open source-based modelling of power plants retrofit and its application to the Korean electricity sector, International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, February 2019.
K. Palmer-Wilson, J. Donald, B. Robertson, B. Lyseng, V. Keller, M. Fowler, C. Wade, S. Scholtysik, P. Wild, A. Rowe, Impact of land requirements on electricity system decarbonisation pathways, Energy Policy, June 2019.
F. Riva, F. Gardumi, A. Tognollo, E. Colombo, Soft-linking energy demand and optimization models for local long-term electricity planning: An application to rural India, Energy, January 2019.
T. Niet, B. Lyseng, J. English, V. Keller, K. Palmer-Wilson, B. Robertson, P. Wild, A. Rowe, Valuing infrastructure investments to reduce curtailment, Energy Strategy Reviews, November 2018.
J. Anjo, D. Neves, C. Silva, A. Shivakumar, M. Howells, Modelling the long-term impact of demand response in energy planning: The Portuguese electric system case study, Energy, December 2018.
Y.Y. Rady, M.V. Rocco, M.A. Serag-Eldin, E. Colombo, Modelling for power generation sector in developing countries: Case of Egypt, Energy, December 2018.
B.D. Leibowicz, C.M. Lanham, M.T. Brozynski, J.R. Vazquez-Canteli, N. Castillo Castejon, Z. Nagy, Optimal decarbonization pathways for urban residential building energy services, Applied Energy, November 2018.
M.T. Brozynsky, B.D. Leibowicz, Decarbonizing power and transportation at the urban scale: An analysis of the Austin, Texas Community Climate Plan, Sustainable Cities and Society, November 2018.
F. Gardumi, A. Shivakumar, R. Morrison, C. Taliotis, O.Broad, A. Beltramo, V. Sridharan, M. Howells, J. Hörsch, T. Niet, Y. Almulla, E. Ramos, T. Burandt, G. Pena Balderrama, G. De Moura, E. Zepeda, T. Alfstad, From the development of an open-source energy modelling tool to its application and the creation of communities of practice: The example of OSeMOSYS, Energy Strategy Reviews, April 2018.
V. Keller, B. Lyseng, J. English, T. Niet, K. Palmer-Wilson, I. Moazzen, B. Robertson, P. Wild, A. Rowe, Coal-to-biomass retrofit in Alberta - value of forest residue bioenergy in the electricity system, Renewable Energy, September 2018.
M. Groissböck, M.J. Pickl, Fuel-price reform to achieve climate and energy policy goals in Saudi Arabia: A multiple-scenario analysis, Utilities Policy, February 2018.
G. De Moura et al., A Brazilian perspective of power system integration using OSeMOSYS SAMBA - South America Model Base - and the bargaining power of neighbouring countries: A cooperative games approach, Energy Policy, April 2018.
B. D. Leibowicz, The cost of policy uncertainty in electric sector capacity planning: Implications for instrument choice, The Electricity Journal, January-February 2018.
A. Dhakouani, F. Gardumi, E. Znouda, C. Bouden, M. Howells, Long-term optimisation model of the Tunisian power system, Energy, December 2017.
D. Grosso, R. Gerboni, D. Cotugno, Modelling Urban Transport Sector: A Methodology Based on OSeMOSYS Model Generator, IEEE 41st Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference, July 2017.
M. Howells et. al, Energy Access and Electricity Planning, State of Electricity Access Report (SEAR) Special Feature, 2017.
K. Löffler et. al, Designing a Global Energy System based on 100% Renewables for 2050: GENeSYS-MOD: An application of the Open-Source Energy Modelling System (OSeMOSYS), Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (DIW), 2017.
N. Moksnes et. al, Electrification pathways for Kenya - linking spatial electrification analysis and medium to long term energy planning, Environmental Research Letters, July 2017.
F. Fattori, N. Anglani, An instrumental contribution to include the impact of PV on capacity adequacy in long-term energy models, Environment and Electrical Engineering (IEEE), July 2017.
C. Sundin, Exploring the water-energy nexus in the Omo river basin: A first step toward the development of an integrated hydrological-OSeMOSYS energy model, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, July 2017.
E. Johnson and J. Axelsson, A nexus assessment of energy and water in Rwanda, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, July 2017.
H. Henke, The Open Source Energy Model Base for the European Union (OSEMBE), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, June 2017.
A. Ahmed and J. Gong, Assessment of the electricity generation mix in Ghana: the potential of renewable energy, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, July 2017.
G. De Moura et al., South America power integration, Bolivian electricity export potential and bargaining power: An OSeMOSYS SAMBA approach, Energy Strategy Reviews, September 2017.
D. Lavigne, OSeMOSYS: Introducing elasticity, Universal Journal of Management, 2017.
C. Taliotis et al., Natural gas in Cyprus: the need for consolidated planning, Energy Policy, August 2017.
T. Niet et al., Hedging the risk of increased emissions in long term energy planning, Energy Strategy Reviews, June 2017.
A.K. Awopone, A.F. Zobaa, Analyses of optimum generation scenarios for sustainable power generation in Ghana, Brunel University, 2017.
D. Lavigne, OSeMOSYS energy modeling using an extended UTOPIA model, Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2017.
I. Pappis, Electrified Africa - Associated investments and costs, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2016.
A. Beltramo, Active consumers at the centre of the energy system: towards modelling consumers behaviour in OSeMOSYS, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2016.
D. Lavigne, Initiatives for teaching energy modeling to graduate students, Universal Journal of Management, 2016.
A. Tognollo, Energy demand analysis within long-term rural energy planning: a critical review and simulation for a more appropriate modelling approach, Politecnico di Milano, September 2016.
C. Maggi, Accounting for the long term impact of high renewable shares through energy system models: a novel formulation and case study, Politecnico di Milano, September 2016.
E. Fragnière et al., Coupling techno-economic energy models with behavioral approaches, Operational Research, May 2016.
B. Lyseng et al., Decarbonising the Alberta power system with carbon pricing, Energy Strategy Reviews, May 2016.
N.V. NNaemeka, Methodology, Data, and Scenario Development, Frontiers in African, Business Research, May 2016.
F. Fattori, D. Albini, N. Anglani, Proposing an open-source model for unconventional participation to energy planning, Energy Research and Social Science, May 2016.
C. Taliotis et al., An indicative analysis of investment opportunities in the African electricity supply sector — Using TEMBA (The Electricity Model Base for Africa), Energy for Sustainable Development, April 2016.
M. Groissböck, M.J. Pickl, An analysis of the power market in Saudi Arabia: Retrospective cost and environmental optimization, Applied Energy, March 2016.
N. Moksnes, UN Sustainable development goals from a Climate Land Energy and Water perspective for Kenya, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2016.
F. Gardumi, A multi-dimensional approach to the modelling of power plant flexibility, Politecnico di Milano, February 2016.
H. Eshraghi, M.S. Ahadi, An initiative towards an energy and environment scheme for Iran: Introducing RAISE (Richest Alternatives for Implementation to Supply Energy) model, Energy Policy, February 2016.
F. Fattori, Approaches to Some of the Emerging Challenges and Opportunities of Energy SYstem Models - Postscript version, Universitá di Pavia, March 2016.
I. Smeureanu et al., Modeling Residential Space Heating Energy for Romania, International Journal of Environmental, Chemical, Ecological, Geological and Geophysical Engineering, 2015.
Enhancing the Climate Resilience of Africa’s Infrastructure (World Bank report).
C. Flood, Hydropower in Sweden: An investigation of the implications of adding detail to the modelling of hydropower in OSeMOSYS, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2015.
A. Nilsson, I. Johansson, Laying foundation for energy policy making in Uganda by indicating the energy flow, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2015.
M. Welsch et al., Supporting security and adequacy in future energy systems: The need to enhance long-term energy system models to better treat issues related to variability, International Journal of Energy Research, August 2014.
M. Welsch et al., Incorporating flexibility requirements into long-term energy system models – A case study on high levels of renewable electricity penetration in Ireland, Applied Energy, December 2014.
M. Welsch, D. Mentis, M. Howells, Long-Term Energy Systems Planning: Accounting for Short-Term Variability and Flexibility, Chapter 17, Renewable Energy Integration, 2014.
F. Fattori, Including smart charging and vehicle-to-grid strategies in long term energy models, ENERGYCON 2014, IEEE International, July 2014.
A. Hagberg, S. Davidsson, Estimating Investment Needs for the Power Sector in the African Region, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2014.
S.L. Gerard, Strategies for the South European energy sector for the next 40 years, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2014.
R. Fionn et al., LEAPs and Bounds-an Energy Demand and Constraint Optimised Model of the Irish Energy System, Energy Efficiency, June 2014.
R.A. Al Hasibi et al., Optimizing Geothermal Energy and Hydro Power in Capacity Expansion at the Electrical System of Java-Madura-Bali, International Journal of Engineering & Computer Science, February 2013.
M. Weirich, Global resource modelling of the Climate, Land, Energy and Water (CLEWs) nexus using the Open Source energy Modelling System (OSeMOSYS), KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2013.
N. Saadi Failali, An open source approach to Sweden's energy system: A review of future energy pathways, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2013.
M. Welsch, Enhancing the treatment of systems integration in long-term energy models, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, 2013.
M. Welsch et al., Modelling elements of Smart Grids – Enhancing the OSeMOSYS (Open Source Energy Modelling System) code, Energy, October 2012.
M. Bazilian et al., Open source software and crowdsourcing for energy analysis, Energy Policy, October 2012.
“SAMBA” The open source South American Model Base: a Brazilian perspective on long term power systems investment and integration.
M. Howells et al., OSeMOSYS: The Open Source Energy Modeling System: An introduction to its ethos, structure and development, Energy Policy, October 2011.
M. Welsch et al., Modelling Elements of Smart Grids for sub-Saharan African Countries, International Energy Workshop, July 2011.