otoole is a Python package which provides a command-line interface for users of OSeMOSYS. The aim of the package is to provide a community resource which centralises the commonly used pre- and post-processing steps around the use of OSeMOSYS. otoole aims to support different ways of storing input data and results, including csv files, databases, datapackages and Excel workbooks, as well as different implementations of the OSeMOSYS model. otoole is suitable for advanced users. Install and use OSeMOSYS with otool.
The Model Management Infrastructure (MoManI), is a browser-based open source interface for energy systems modelling. MoManI helps energy planners to construct models, manipulate data and modify, add or delete equations, operate OSeMOSYS, design and analyze scenarios, and finally visualize results. Its novel structure allows different teams to collaborate simultaneously from around the globe. Each user can easily edit and update any part of the modelling process: from the underlying mathematical equations of OSeMOSYS through to the visualization of results. MoManI is focused on intermediate users. Install and develop a simple OSeMOSYS model with MoManI.
clicSAND (Simple And Nearly Done) is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) for OSeMOSYS. It focuses on the beginner user. You input data via an Excel spreadsheet, then select open-source solvers (GLPK and CBC) to run the model. Results are pushed into an Access database, and an Excel template to visualize results in a sharable format. To use it, you'll need Windows 10, 8GB RAM, and MS Office. The Excel spreadsheet supports up to 200 technologies, 50 commodities, and 5 types of emissions. (Currently built for Windows PCs, an Apple version is being tested.) Install and develop a simple OSeMOSYS model with clicSAND (as part of an Open University course)
The Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning (LEAP) tool uses OSeMOSYS to generate optimal power generation scenarios. LEAP has a powerful and user friendly interface. LEAP compiles an input text file, runs OSeMOSYS, generates results and incorperating them into its easy to its powerful results viewing components.
OSINDA (OSeMOSYS Interface and Database), is a Microsoft Access-based environment to replace the OSeMOSYS data files and provide graphical analyses of results.
Notepad ++
"Notepad++ is a free (as in "free speech" and also as in "free beer") source code editor and Notepad replacement that supports several languages. Running in the MS Windows environment, its use is governed by GPL License." (https://notepad-plus-plus.org/)
Notepad++ is a useful tool to work directly with the OSeMOSYS model and data files.
Notepad++ is a useful tool to work directly with the OSeMOSYS model and data files.