Integrated Assessment Modelling (IAM) for the Masses.
GLUCOSE is a global, highly aggregated, CLEWs-based IAM, open from source to solver. The model is designed for education and communication purposes. GLUCOSE shows how combined cross-sectoral policies are beneficial for all resources. Much like RICE and DICE are accessible IAM Economic models, CLUCOSE is an accessible technology and resource system model. It is unique as no proprietary software is needed to run, use or extend it. It does not yet have a climate, or economic feedback loop. (The programming language and solvers are open and free. For example, no GAMS, nor CPLEX is required.)
Agnese Beltramo, Eunice Pereira Ramos, Constantinos Taliotis, Mark Howells, Will Usher,
The Global Least-cost user-friendly CLEWs Open-Source Exploratory model, Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 143, 2021, 105091, ISSN 1364-8152
Built in (this release of) OSeMOSYS all input data can be found here, for easy use and extension.
On 1 July, 2014 the United Nations, in New York, launched what it called "the first and only comprehensive, global report on sustainable development": the Global Sustainable Development Report. Sections of the report discuss CLEWD as an integrated framework that help make decisions more efficient and consistent. The Climate, Land use, Energy & Water Development Nexus framework (CLEWD) was initiated by KTH-dESA staff (with partners). A global CLEW model (called GLUCOSE) was then developed in collaboration between UNDESA and KTH researchers Constantinos Taliotis and Manuel Weirich with the supervision of Alex Roehrl and Mark Howells. The code and a dashboard of the initial model can be found here.
GLUCOSE is a global, highly aggregated, CLEWs-based IAM, open from source to solver. The model is designed for education and communication purposes. GLUCOSE shows how combined cross-sectoral policies are beneficial for all resources. Much like RICE and DICE are accessible IAM Economic models, CLUCOSE is an accessible technology and resource system model. It is unique as no proprietary software is needed to run, use or extend it. It does not yet have a climate, or economic feedback loop. (The programming language and solvers are open and free. For example, no GAMS, nor CPLEX is required.)
Agnese Beltramo, Eunice Pereira Ramos, Constantinos Taliotis, Mark Howells, Will Usher,
The Global Least-cost user-friendly CLEWs Open-Source Exploratory model, Environmental Modelling & Software, Volume 143, 2021, 105091, ISSN 1364-8152
Built in (this release of) OSeMOSYS all input data can be found here, for easy use and extension.
On 1 July, 2014 the United Nations, in New York, launched what it called "the first and only comprehensive, global report on sustainable development": the Global Sustainable Development Report. Sections of the report discuss CLEWD as an integrated framework that help make decisions more efficient and consistent. The Climate, Land use, Energy & Water Development Nexus framework (CLEWD) was initiated by KTH-dESA staff (with partners). A global CLEW model (called GLUCOSE) was then developed in collaboration between UNDESA and KTH researchers Constantinos Taliotis and Manuel Weirich with the supervision of Alex Roehrl and Mark Howells. The code and a dashboard of the initial model can be found here.